Requests for Public Records

Washington law RCW 42.56, provides the public access to copies of records of public agencies, with certain exceptions, The Washington Health Care Facilities Authority (the Authority) makes its records available under that law. The Authority does not have jurisdiction over the records of other public agencies. See more information in the Instructions document linked below.

Options to get Authority data

  • Check the Authority’s website. Our website has a lot of data already available.
  • Contact the Authority’s staff. Staff will help you try to find an available record online and provide a link. If you are making an informal routine inquiry for an Authority record (such as for a copy of a brochure or a report), you don’t need to make a formal Request for Public Records.

How to Request Copies of Records

If you do need to make a formal Public Records Request, please send an email to with the following information or use the form linked below. Detailed instructions are also linked below.

Required Information

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address – This information is automatically included in email correspondence
  • Description of the records you request – Please include detailed information to assist the Authority staff in searching for potential records

Public Records Request Forms