How we Work

The Washington Health Care Facilities Authority was created by the Legislature in 1974 to provide a new source of capital funding for modern, well equipped, and reasonably priced health care facilities. The Authority was further charged with minimizing costs of capital construction, as well as costs to the public for using health care facilities, thus contributing to improved quality of health care in Washington. (RCW 70.37.010)

The goal of minimizing capital costs is accomplished by offering tax exempt financing to nonprofit health care facilities. Without Authority assistance, health care providers would have to borrow at the more expensive interest rates or taxable bonds and notes.

Agency Mission

Assist non-profit health care providers in Washington minimize their capital costs of construction, financing and use thereof in an effort to lower the expense of health care services by providing a combination of:

  • Access to the tax-exempt capital markets
  • Information on the capital markets, and
  • Low cost financing alternatives.

Agency Summary

Click to View Agency Summary

Interest Rate Reduction Realized by Our Clients

By providing tax-exempt interest rate financing for non-profit health care providers in Washington, the Authority assisted providers in reducing their interest costs by over $35 million in calendar year 2023.

Debt Service Report

Services Provided to Clients

  • Access to tax exempt interest rate financing
  • Knowledge of capital markets
  • Current interest rates
  • Financing process timeline projections
  • RFP’s for services: Underwriter and Trustee services. Call or e-mail for sample form.
  • Average useful life computation program. Call or e-mail for sample form.
  • Debt capacity analysis, rating analysis. Call or e-mail for these services.
  • Quick Notes: Summaries of legal requirements for tax exempt financing – federal tax and security laws. Call or email for these services

Quick notes topics include:

  • Change in use of tax-exempt bond financed facilities
  • Federal tax requirements governing expenditure of bond proceeds
  • Overview of Authority publicly offered bond closing process
  • Overview of Authority Quick Loan closing process
  • Qualified management contracts and tax-exempt bond-financed facilities
  • Summary of Federal securities law; official statement; continuing disclosure in public offerings
  • Tax-exempt bond proceeds to reimburse prior expenditures